Utah State Requirement Detail for Real Estate New Agents Post-Licensing Education
Hours Required by the State: 18 hours
- 12-hour New Agent course
- 3-hour Mandatory course
- 3 additional hours (either core topic or elective hours)
Seat Time: The Utah Division of Real Estate requires that all students spend a minimum amount of seat time engaged in the course content. Our online course delivery system manages this requirement for you.
Course Completions: Students must participate in each course for the number of hours of credit awarded and daily course segments cannot exceed 8 hours in a 24-hour period.
Fingerprinting and Background Check Information: Beginning in January 2020, all renewals for real estate (both active and inactive licensees) will need to obtain a fingerprint background check and enroll in RAP Back. The cost for fingerprinting, processing, and enrolling in RAP Back will be $45.00. The Division of Real Estate has purchased a LiveScan fingerprinting machine that will be available for licensees beginning in January. After 03/15/20, due to Covid-19 public pandemic issues and general business shutdowns, the fingerprinting of existing licensees at the time of license renewal was temporarily suspended (postponed) and remains temporarily suspended. For current fingerprinting and license updates, go to (https://realestate.utah.gov).
Stringham Schools Offering: 18 hours
- 12-hour New Agent course
- 3-hour Mandatory course
- 3 additional hours (either core topic or elective hours)
Utah Division of Real Estate Provider Number: 6845319-CEP0
Post-Licensing Final Exams: Final exams must be passed with a minimum of 75%. Students are allowed one re-take of the final exam.
Reporting: Real estate course completions are reported to Pearson Vue who then updates the Utah Division of Real Estate. The state requires schools to report course completions within seven to ten days from the course completion date. Course completions will be reported and posted within this time frame. IMPORTANT: The Division of Real Estate states that a licensee's CE should be completed by the 15th of the month in order to have the hours banked in time to renew online before the renewal date.
Expiration Date of Course: Course expiration dates vary by course but are generally one year after order date. Each course has an individual expiration date which is listed in your account.
Certificates: Once Stringham Schools has received the signed affidavit, your certificate of course completion will become available to download (and via email). Stringham Schools will provide students with an electronic certificate of completion, upon completion of the course. Certificates will remain in your account for a minimum of five years, should you need additional copies. Please refer to your license application to determine if you need to submit your certificate of completion with your license request. Course completion dates are recorded using Central Standard Time. Please note that the date of your certificate of completion will reflect this.
License Renewal Process: The process to renew in this state is to log in to the licensing system online and follow the prompts to renew.
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