Utah State Requirement Details for Real Estate Broker and Sales Agent Continuing Education
Renewal Date: Licenses are valid for a two-year period and must be renewed no sooner than 45 days prior to and no later than the expiration date. All CE must be completed by the 15th of the renewal month to ensure on-time renewal.
Hours Required by the State: 18 hours
- 3-Hour Mandatory Course in Residential, Commercial, or Property Management
- 6 hours of other core topics
state-approved forms and contracts
- other industry used forms or contracts
- ethics
- agency, agency agreements, and fiduciary duties
- short sales or sales of bank-owned property
- environmental hazards
- property management
- prevention of real estate and mortgage fraud, including wire fraud
- federal and state real estate laws
- fair housing, diversity, identifying bias, promoting equity, and inclusion
- division administrative rules
- broker trust accounts
- water law, rights and transfer
- multiple offers
- 9 hours of other core topics or elective topics
Stringham Schools Offering: 18 hours
- 3-Hour Mandatory Course in Residential or Commercial
- 6 hours of other core topics
- 9 hours of other core topics or elective topics
Final Exam: Final exams must be passed with a minimum of 75%.
Max Hours in a 24-Hour Period: Licensees will not receive credit for more than 8 hours of continuing education in a 24-hour period. Our online course delivery system manages this requirement for you.
Reporting: The state requires course completions to be reported to the state. We will report your course to the state upon completion.
Expiration Date of Course: Course expiration dates vary by course. Each individual course will have an expiration date listed in your account. See Terms & Conditions for more details.
Certificates: Immediately upon course completions, Stringham Schools will provide students with an electronic copy of the course certificate of completion. Certificates will remain in your account for a minimum of five years, should you need additional copies at a later time. Please refer to your application to determine if you need to submit your certificate(s) of completion. Course completion dates are recorded using Central Standard Time. Please note that the date on your certificate of completion will reflect this.
License Renewal Process: The process to renew in this state can be found here.
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