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- New York
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- North Dakota
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- South Dakota
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- Utah
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- Virginia
- Washington
- West Virginia
- Wisconsin
- Wyoming
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- Arizona
- Arkansas
- California
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- Delaware
- District of Columbia
- Florida
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- Hawaii
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- Indiana
- Kansas
- Kentucky
- Louisiana
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- Nevada
- New Mexico
- New York
- North Carolina
- North Dakota
- Ohio
- Oklahoma
- Oregon
- Pennsylvania
- South Carolina
- Tennessee
- Texas
- Utah
- Vermont
- Virginia
- Washington
- West Virginia
- Wisconsin
Upgrade Your Real Estate License
Once you’ve become a licensed agent, the sky’s the limit. If you are ready to take your career to the next level, consider choosing to upgrade your license with Mbition. With courses in brokerage, property valuation and more, you’ll gain an advantage in your marketplace and have more control over your real estate career. Our online courses are specifically designed to prepare you for real-world situations, letting you experience success on your own terms and at your own pace.
What it Means to Be
a Real Estate Broker
A real estate broker is a real estate professional who is licensed to own and run a real estate brokerage firm and has the authority to buy and sell property. Brokers may work independently or hire real estate agents to work for them. Brokers must fulfill education requirements beyond the agent level as deemed by state laws and pass a real estate broker’s license exam
How to Obtain a Broker License
Real estate agents who have two or more years of work experience are eligible to upgrade to a broker status.
Broker License Requirements:
- Prospective brokers must complete a state-specific post-license training course that covers topics such as real estate law, finance, agency law, contracts, and property management.
- Upon successful completion of the course, students can take their state’s broker licensing exam.
- Pass a criminal background check to qualify and apply for a license.
Real Estate License State Requirements
Mbition’s online real estate license upgrade fulfills the required hours and exam needed to make your goal a reality. Subjects include license law, real property valuation, commercial real estate, contracts, compiling documents, risk management, property management, agency and finance. Gain more stability and further your real estate career by upgrading to a broker status
Select Your State
Already Licensed in Another State?
Already a broker in another state and looking to expand your reach? Mbition has a pre-license course designed specifically to fulfill the education requirement for brokers seeking reciprocity in another state. Highlights include: Responsibilities of the Broker, Laws & Regulations, Disciplinary Actions, RECAD, Trust Accounts and Audits for the Brokerage Office.
Browse All Course Categories
Continuing Education
Whatever coursework you need to maintain your real estate license, we have you covered. Courses are certified and meet all state requirements, with plenty of course options.
Shop NowExam Prep
Get exam-ready fast with easy-to-use study tools and practice tests. Just like the courses, exam prep topics are built around your state's exam.
Shop NowReal Estate License
Courses designed and taught by real-world real estate experts that meet all state licensing requirements. Lessons focus on the most important topics on the real estate license exam.
Shop NowPost Licensing
Get those first-year post-license courses knocked out with our state-approved library of courses. Did you let your license lapse? Get back on track here!
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